psychic medium
transpersonal spiritual counselor
certified shamanic energy medicine practitioner
certified past life regression hypnotherapist
mentor and educator
I am deeply committed to facilitating your spiritual and energetic health, well-being and evolution.
In private practice since 2002, I have had the honor and joy of working with thousands of clients and students in person at my Seattle office and worldwide via phone and video conferencing. I also travel for book signings and speaking engagements, workshops and retreats, and corporate leadership consultations.
My training includes master's and doctoral degrees in metaphysical science and transpersonal spiritual counseling from the University of Metaphysical Sciences/California. These programs helped me further develop the extra-sensory abilities I was born with to become a stronger and more adept psychic medium while providing comprehensive instruction in parapsychology, metaphysics, spiritual practice, and mindfulness techniques.
I received a three-year Certificate of Completion in shamanic healing practices from the Sundust Oracle Institute in Seattle, with an additional year of study in private mentorship with spiritual director, healer and author Char Sundust.
To continue my education and practice of cross-cultural shamanic tools, I completed a year-long Four Directions program and a year-long professional excellence program with shamanic teacher, leadership mentor and author Patrick O’Neill.
At Bastyr University/Washington, I completed past life regression hypnotherapy training and received certification as a Past Life Regression Specialist. I am a registered hypnotherapist in the state of Washington.
My husband and I live in the gorgeous and mystical Pacific Northwest surrounded by mountain ranges, coastal waters, and rainforests. Our backyard neighbors include great horned owls, tree frogs, bobcats, hummingbirds, deer and coyotes. . . along with nature spirits, plant and stone totems, and a kindly caretaker ghost. (I am hoping for a cryptid sighting any day now, fingers crossed.)
My new book series, GHOST WRITER, is available in print and audio on Substack. This is a fascinating exploration into the afterlife filled with channeled wisdom from the departed, along with my own experiences as a psychic medium. I’ve dedicated myself to exploring the questions so many of us have about these profound topics. Join me as I share my journey and insights, chapter by chapter.